Thursday, August 9, 2007

The Voyeur

Almost every civilization which ever existed in the world have something dark about it, the dark always remained under the covers at their times until the covers are withdrawn by the succeeding civilizations who despises their ancestors for those dark truths , not aware of the fact that even they won't be spared by their successors. Today we might disdain the roman palaces because we know of the incestuous relationships , the mother murdering facts about them. But what about us? What can be the shameful secret about our society which would be mocked about by the future civilizations.I started contemplating this subject.

The strongest contender i found among the various evils of our society is Voyeurism.Yes accept it, we are a part of a voyeuristic society.You & I both. And i am not only talking about the dictionary meaning of voyeurism which talks about sexual gratification from seeing others in the act.I am talking about much worse evil. I am talking about the desire to look into others life, the desire to peep into their living rooms and not only bedrooms.The desire to know their latest crush,their pay packages, the lies they tell, the truth they don't tell, the fantasy they are ashamed of, and anything which we are not entitled to know even the color of their undergarments.

Look around yourself and you will get to know that we are indeed voyeuristic. Okay tell me why do all of us wanted to attend Ash-Abhi wedding? why were we interested in the tiniest news about it? why are all the k-soaps a runaway hit?(every other vamp hides behind the door and listen the other vamp...Lol).Why do every other fake or genuine MMS makes hundreds of rounds? Why do people stick to news channels which tries to console a parting couple on national television? Why do we always wanna have our say about every other thing in no relation to us? Why do we need sms polls to give our advice to a confused woman who wants to return to her first husband but at the same time loves the second one? Is this the side effect of democracy? There can be numerous unanswerable questions like these.

Oh now let me put forth the award winning example.Orkut.When was the last time you visited your friend's scrapbook and came back without reading other's scrap to him? It is quite easy to know what is going in someones life using orkut. And accept it or deny it we all have in someway tried to spy on others using orkut. Orkut initiated a new breed of spies i call The Orkut Spies. This is the most ironical fact of this digital & password protected age that nothing is protected.

Governments are the reflections of their societies and hence we see that CIA, MI6 and KGB are all inventions of our civilization.Though i accept that the need of these agencies cannot be ignored but we need to see that its only us who made their need inevitable.

I am expecting a lot of criticism about this piece of writing but before anyone points out i myself shamefully accept that i am a voyeur or may be the society turned me into one.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its a shame.Really ...that you havent got any comments for such a wonderful piece of writing.
How do you manage to express such challenging topics with such intricacy . Even I'd thought of a related topic, but felt myself short of words.

Hope to learn a lot from you in the future .

P.S- Even i'm guilty of being a voyeur.
Vinay Bharaj